domain and subdomain setup
Manage your domain
To complete the DNS setup of your domain connected to TinyURL, please complete the following steps.
- Login and change DNS settings with your Domains Dashboard.
- In the List view, click the Gear Icon for your domain to Manage DNS settings.
- Click on DNS & Nameservers in the left-hand menu
Cick on Add Nameserver. Ensure that you remove and replace existing nameservers with all of the following:
* * * *
- Click on Save or Submit to confirm your changes.
Manage your subdomain
To complete the DNS setup of your subdomain connected to TinyURL, please complete the following steps
- Login and change DNS settings with your Domains Dashboard.
- In the List view, click the Gear Icon to the root domain and go to Manage DNS settings.
- Click on DNS & Nameservers in the left-hand menu
- Click on DNS Records tab.
- Click on Add DNS Record.
To connect your subdomain to TinyURL, for example, fill out the following details:
* Name : subdomain * Type : CNAME * Content : * TTL : 1 hour * Priority : (can be left blank)
- Click on Add DNS to add your DNS record.